For Aguascalientes, the Research, Development and Innovation sector is highly relevant. We currently have 6 research centers, not counting those found in companies and universities.
Investors betting on Aguascalientes
Aguascalientes has international companies that have their own research and development centers. Currently these companies have worked so that Aguascalientes is not only a manufacturing center but also an innovation center where new ideas and solutions are created.
Companies that have a research and development center
Research centers
Local Research Centers
- Centro GEO
- Centro de Investigaciones en Óptica
Lines of investigation
- Social Sciences
- Biostatistics
- Industrial
- It currently has 6 researchers
- Social risk factors for the generation of violence
- Smart surveillance, pattern recognition and machine vision
- Digital image processing in 2D and 3D
- 2D and 3D face verification
- Analysis of governance systems
- Agricultural economics and food sustainability
- Embedded systems and remote sensing
Success stories
- Spanish Journal of Agrosocial and Fisheries Studies
- Chapingo Magazine Forest and Environmental Sciences Series
- Analysis of subjective well-being on Twitter
Organization of specialized centers in advanced manufacturing with national coverage. Its technological offer is grouped into 6 specialty areas and supports practically the entire industry.
It has 3,600 linking projects, 44,000 technological services offered, 3,400 clients.
Lines of investigation
- Design and development of products
- Plant engineering
- Plastics and advanced materials
- Manufacture process
- Measurement systems
- Mechanical systems
- Telecommunications, IT, control and electronics
- It currently has 9 researchers
- Characterization of plastics
- Manufacturing
- 3D additive manufacturing
- Non-destructive testing
- Metrology
- Renewable energy
- Polymer processing
- Special coatings
- Modeling of physical systems
- Superconducting materials
Success stories
- Design of fuel metering systems for the national airport network
- Design and development of a municipal drinking water telemetry network
- Design and construction of a low-floor vehicle for passenger transport in air terminals
Public institution whose two central missions are to generate and disseminate cutting-edge scientific knowledge in the area of social sciences relevant to the development of Mexico and to train critical and analytical professionals in this area.
Emphasizes multidisciplinary work and links with universities, research and teaching centers, governments, social, civil and business organizations.
Public institution whose two central missions are to generate and disseminate cutting-edge scientific knowledge in the area of social sciences relevant to the development of Mexico and to train critical and analytical professionals in this area.
Emphasizes multidisciplinary work and links with universities, research and teaching centers, governments, social, civil and business organizations.
Lines of investigation
- Public administration
- Economy
- International Studies
- Legal studies
- Political Studies
- History
- Postgraduate
- It currently has 13 researchers
- 15,000 library copies
- Electronic links to databases of the best libraries in the world
Success stories
- Drug Policy Program 2015-2017
- Case brought before the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation
Mathematics Research Center in accordance with those it develops, whose mission is to apply specialized knowledge to the training of people through training and updating in statistics.
Lines of investigation
- Social Sciences
- Biostatistics
- Industrial
- It currently has 10 researchers
- Computer room
- Library with 400 copies
- Continuing education
- Specialty in statistical methods
- Refresher courses
- Specialized advice
- Statistical consulting
- Long distance education
Success stories
- Project with Texas Instruments de México
- Project with PEMEX
- Project with Donaldson
It develops basic and applied research that contributes to the generation of knowledge and innovation in the field of optics and photonics, strengthening the country’s technological leadership.
It offers the best graduate program in optics and photonics.
Lines of investigation
- Spectroscopy
- Integrated optics
- Photonic Engineering
- Instrumentation
- Solar Concentration
- Thermal solar energy
- Photocatalysis
- It currently has 14 researchers
- Of Laser Applications
- Raman Spectroscopy
- Spectrum Colorimetry
- Of Industrial Applications
- Solar Thermal Energy
- Of Integrated Optics and Photonics Engineering
- Of Photometry and Radiometry
- Colorimetry
- Spectroscopy
- Optical fibers
- Photometry
- Infrared
- Interferometry
- Optical Metrology
- Nanophotonics
- Digital image processing
- Laser Technology
Success stories
- Project the University of Guanajuato
Lines of investigation
- Software development
- Consulting
- Quality assurement
- System maintenance
- Monitoring
- Telecommunications
- Security
- Data center
- Service desk
- Digital marketing consulting
- It currently has 5 researchers
- Aguascalientes Data Center - TIER III
- Evolutionary programming and predictive analysis
- Search methods in metric spaces and algorithms
- Natural language processing and opinion mining
- Data mining and information visualization
- Topological data analysis
Success stories
- Project with the Ministry of Public Function
- Project with the IMPI
- Project with the Ministry of Communications and Transportation
National Research System
In 2020 there were 290 current national researchers.
In 2019 there were by Aguascalientes
for industrial designs
for utility models
- Academic Information
- Talent and certified people
Technological Institute of Aguascalientes
13 lines of research
45 researchers
7 laboratories
Networks, electronics, water technologies, heavy chemistry, rapid prototype and simulation area, polymers and research.
Tecnológico de Monterrey
7 lines of research
7 researchers
3 laboratories
Packaging and packaging, automation and design (solidworks).
Polytechnic University of Aguascalientes
6 lines of research
Software engineering, development of production systems, control, automation and instrumentation of systems; mechatronic systems, quality and organizational management, renewable energy, alternatives and sustainability.
Panamerican University
16 lines of research
9 researchers
2 laboratories specialized in
Renewable energy and electronics.
Technological University of the North of Aguascalientes
5 lines of research
ICT application in industry, business and software education, sustainable technology for agriculture, optimization of industrial processes.
19 researchers
Laboratories for engineering studies
Autonomous University of Aguascalientes
5 lines of technological research
94 researchers from the National System of Researchers
220 laboratories in different areas
prototype construction, electronic instruments, acquisition and computer cards, solidworks certification, technological innovation in automated production systems.
current national researchers in 2020
7 areas of study
- Physical-Mathematical and Earth Sciences
- Biology and Chemistry
- Medicine and Health Sciences
- Humanities and Behavioral Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Biotechnology
- Agricultural Sciences and Engineering
There is a stimulus for researchers ranging from 7,700 to 35,900 pesos per month according to the level to which they belong granted by CONACYT, in addition to the salary that each institution provides
There are currently 5 scientific research and development services companies with 118 registered employees
Dual education
Local talent
Research centers
Presence of international companies
Sector ecosystem
Relación con organizaciones internacionales y ciudades importantes
- Rhineland Palatinate
- Baden Wuttenberg
- Kansas
- Austin Technology Council
- Quebec
- CanCham
- Jica
- Jetro
- Austrade
- Commercial Office of Spain in Mexico
- AmCham
- Belgium Embassy
- Procolombia
Relación con organizaciones internacionales y ciudades importantes
- Rhineland Palatinate
- Baden Wuttenberg
- Kansas
- Austin Technology Council
- Quebec
- CanCham
- Jica
- Jetro
- Austrade
- Commercial Office of Spain in Mexico
- AmCham
- Belgium Embassy
- Procolombia
Success stories
Click to learn more
- San Francisco de los Romo, Ags.
80 million dollars
It has a research and development center, a plant that will have state-of-the-art technology and will allow the state to enter industry 4.0.
- Aguascalientes, Ags.
In 2021 they made an investment of 8 million dollars
Industrial robots
- Parque Industrial del Valle de Aguascalientes, Calle Cto Aguascalientes Nte 136, Parque industrial de Valle de Aguascalientes, 20355 Aguascalientes, Ags.
- In 2017 they made an investment of 13 million dollars for Engineering L.A. Center
- Its last investment was of 4 million dollars for its last expansion in 2019
- Cto. Aguascalientes Sur 117, Parque industrial de Valle de Aguascalientes, 20358 Valle de Aguascalientes, Ags.